Events Publicado a Agosto 24th, 2021
Essentials of bioinformatics for functional genomics: basis and training
Course description:
With the rise of the Next-Generation Sequencing technologies, it is more accessible every day to sequence whole genomes at an affordable price. Research groups can get extensive genomic data from their interest species without asking big consortium and external sponsors.
The access to powerful new computer digital platforms, genomic databases and genome analysis free software are essential tools for future ground-breaking work in the Data Science analysis from the large biological biobanks that our centre holds.
We intend to bring more knowledge and capacity to our human resources, with new skills in genome analysis, so that the research centre can keep up with the digitalization and informatization of our research results.
Participants will explore the use of available resources and tools to manage, share, analyze and interpret metagenomics data for proper identification and annotation of the gene structures for further analysis.
Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes have genes hidden across their genomes differently, but the procedure to identify them is similar, although the effectiveness differs significantly.
In this practical course, the students will learn the particularities of gene identification in bacteria as well as in higher organisms. The system will include methodologies for a good annotation on the identified genes, description of the annotation terms and databases for retrieving high-quality annotations about processes, metabolic pathways, and protein domains to understand the gene function better.
The workshop is divided into two sections, a theoretical section and a “Hands-on” practical part with execises.
The second section of the workshop involves participants learning via pre-recorded lectures, live presentations and instructor trainer Q&A sessions. Practical experience “Hands-on” will be developed through group activities and computational exercises.
Instructor - António Munoz Mérida, Bioinformatics Expert, CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Campus de Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas. 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal
Duration - 30 hrs (through one week)
Date: 24 a 30 agosto 2021
Program:Course Program