

Cândida Margarida Ferreira Mendes

Post-Doc Researcher


Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

University of the Azores

Rua Capitão João D'Avila

9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo

Terceira, Azores, Portugal



Cândida Margarida Ferreira Mendes

Post-Doc Researcher

I was in Porto in 1973. I have a degree in Agriculture engineering, master in Environment management, conservation, and PhD in Agrarian Sciences, studying peatland restoration strategies in Azores islands (Portugal).

I have been participated in several projects related with Azorean flora and vegetation, mainly in wetlands and peatlands ecology and conservation.


Mendes C, Dias E, Rochefort L (2023). Assessing the potential of restoration measures and management techniques in a post-pastured Azorean peatland: two years tendencies. Restor Ecol e13917.

Articles in SCI Journals

Pereira D, Mendes C, Dias E (2022). The potential of peatlands in global climate change mitigation: a case study of Terceira and Flores Islands (Azores, Portugal) hydrologic services. SN Applied Sciences 4, 184. DOI: 10.1007/s42452-022-05066-0

Articles in SCI Journals

Mendes C, Dias E, Pereira D (2021). Description of a peatland complex in an agricultural landscape on Terceira Island (Azores): Criação do Filipe Case Study. Mires and Peat, 27, 29, 16pp. (Online:; doi: 10.19189/MaP.2020.OMB.StA.2008

Articles in SCI Journals

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Plan for the monitoring of biodiversity, soil, water and high conservation values, with the purpose of Forest Certification of the Forestry Perimeter and Regional Forests of the Island of São Miguel
WETREST - Wetland Restoration: Renaturalization Processes and Biodiversity Valorisation in Environmental Management
CONNECT.GENE – A genetic landscape approach to sustain rare species connectivity for small islands biodiversity
Implementation of the action plans for the conservation and recovery of species and habitats in the Autonomous Region of the Azores

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