

Dinis Manuel Teixeira Pereira

Post-Doc Researcher


Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

University of the Azores

Rua Capitão João D'Avila

9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo

Terceira, Azores, Portugal



Dinis Manuel Teixeira Pereira

Post-Doc Researcher

Collaborator in the GEVA – Group of Vegetation Applied Ecology (Coordinator: Professor Eduardo Dias), Dinis Pereira holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of the Azores and has completed a master's degree in Geography Information Systems from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. He have Advanced Studies in Landscape, Biodiversity and Society and a PhD (since 2015) in Agricultural Sciences, Soil Science Specialty, under the theme "Assessment of the value of the ecosystems of peatbogs of the Azores, using modelling in Geographic Information Systems".

He participated in several national projects such as Natura 2000 Network, LIFE, Interreg, Monitoring, on Terceira Island, of the geothermal project and in Insular Wetland Restoration project, as well as in Forestry Monitoring Plan. He taught, in practical classes, Botany, GPS application and digital cartography in caving and mountaineering practices, biomonitoring and ecological monitoring techniques, Ecology and Ecosystem Management. Currently the domain of specialization and research is focused on modelling with the use of GIS, Ground Penetrating Radar and Remote Sensing in Natural and anthropic vegetation.

In 2005 was recognized, with GEVA, as Intergraph Registered Research Laboratory. It is currently carrying out research through a protocol with the European Space Agency, Copernicus Research and User Support Service portal, Planet’s Education and Research Program, DigitalGlobe Foundation and Hexagon Geospatial for new satellite imagery applications in the management and monitoring of ecosystems and species in the Azores.


Luna S, Lopes MS, Dias E, Pereira D, da Câmar Machado, Mendonça D (2025). Identification of a chordovirus hosted by Angelica lignescens. J Plant Pathol.

Articles in SCI Journals

Luna S, Lopes MS, Dias E, Pareira D, Monjardino P, da Câmara Machado A, Mendonça D (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting Azorina vidalii in Azores Islands. Plant Disease. Published Online:15 May 2023.


Articles in SCI Journals

Pereira D, Mendes C, Dias E (2022). The potential of peatlands in global climate change mitigation: a case study of Terceira and Flores Islands (Azores, Portugal) hydrologic services. SN Applied Sciences 4, 184. DOI: 10.1007/s42452-022-05066-0

Articles in SCI Journals

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Plan for the monitoring of biodiversity, soil, water and high conservation values, with the purpose of Forest Certification of the Forestry Perimeter and Regional Forests of the Island of São Miguel
Implementation of the action plans for the conservation and recovery of species and habitats in the Autonomous Region of the Azores
CONNECT.GENE – A genetic landscape approach to sustain rare species connectivity for small islands biodiversity
AzNativePlantVirus – Insights on the diversity and prevalence of viruses on Azorean native plants by metagenomics: implications on plant biodiversity conservation and crop production
WETREST - Wetland Restoration: Renaturalization Processes and Biodiversity Valorisation in Environmental Management

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