Faculty of Science and Technology
University of the Azores
Rua da Mãe de Deus
9500-321 Ponta Delgada
São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal
Email: duarte.nt.tiago@uac.pt
Education: Degree in Biology, PhD in Biotechnology.
Research Areas:
1) Innovation and improvement in biological control of agricultural pests: (i) improvement of nematodes used in biological control by a genomic approach; ii) identification of new insecticidal and immuno-modulating molecules by a functional proteomics approach; and (ii) nano-formulation of new bio-pesticides.
2) Biotechnological valorization of genetic resources: i) research of new extremophilic enzymes with industrial application; ii) research on new natural molecules with insecticidal and immuno-modulating activity (algae, marine bacteria, bacteria from hydrothermal sources in the Azores); and (ii) use of bacterial consortia for the deconstruction of available biomass and bio-products from the industry (serum, feathers, green waste, algae).
Tomkielska Z, Frias J, Simões N, de Bastos BP, Fidalgo J, Casas A, Almeida H, Toubarro D, 2024. Revealing the Bioactivities of Physalia physalis Venom Using Drosophila as a Model. Toxins. 16(11):491. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins16110491
Garriga A, Toubarro D, Morton A, Simões N, García-Del-Pino F (2024). Analysis of the immune transcriptome of the invasive pest spotted wing drosophila infected by Steinernema carpocapsae. Bull Entomol Res. 114(5):622-630. doi: 10.1017/S0007485324000543.
Garriga A, Monteiro HR, Beltrí R, Frias J, Peñalver Á, Teixeira M, Toubarro D, Simões N (2024). Assessment of Azorean native strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora for the biological control of Popillia japonica. Journal of Applied Entomology, 148, 977–982. https://doi.org/10.1111/jen.13318