

Mário Brum Teixeira

Post-Doc Researcher


Faculty of Science and Technology

University of the Azores

Rua da Mãe de Deus

9500-321 Ponta Delgada

São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal



Mário Brum Teixeira

Post-Doc Researcher

Mário Brum Teixeira is a Post-Doc Researcher with more than ten years of experience in the Biotechnology field specialized in microbiology within the field of Biotechnology, focusing on thermophilic bacteria from Azorean hot springs. My research focuses on the bioconversion of waste materials suchas sewage sludge, green waste, and feathers for energy production and the development of value-added products. I have gainedample experience in theisolation and characterizationof bacteria and screening for thermostable enzymes-proteases, lignocellulases, amylases, keratinases, and chitinases. Italsoinvestigatesantimicrobial and antitumor peptides and proteins for applications in biological control. My experience also encompasses the development and applicationof biocontrol agents, particularly Bacillus thuringiensis, against different insect pests. This includes bioassays targeting Dipteran vectors of human infections, Coleopteran pests, and Lepidopteran pest species. This work aligns with the need for sustainable pest management solutionsandcomplements long-term monitoring efforts incases such as P. japonica and other invasive species in the Azores.

My expertise alsoincludes laboratory and field testing, biocontrol agent production, development, and maintenance of bacterial biobanks, including a biobank thathasmore than 4000 cultivable isolates. I am proficient in thedesign of creative and innovative projects relevant to industrial markets and energy efficiency, including project coordination. My interests are in circular economy principles, white, blue, and red biotechnology, and facilitating the transfer of scientific knowledge to industry. Further, I have experience in bioinformatics and computational tools for next-generation sequencing analysis with itsbiotechnological applications.


Teixeira M, Soares A, Lopes DH, Lamelas-Lopez L, Borges PAV, Mota J, Simões N (2024) Long-term monitoring data on Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) (Coleoptera, Rutelidae) across the Azorean Islands. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e138989.

Articles in SCI Journals

Boieiro M, Varga-Szilay Z, Costa R, Crespo L, Leite A, Oliveira R, Pozsgai G, Rego C, Calado H, Teixeira M, Lopes DH, Soares A, Borges PAV (2024) New findings of terrestrial arthropods from the Azorean Islands. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e136391.

Articles in SCI Journals

Teixeira M, Soares A O, Lamelas-López L, Lopes D H, Mota J A, Borges P A V, Simões N (2024). Monitoring populations of Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) over 16 years in the Azorean Islands. Occurrence dataset

Articles in SCI Journals

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