

Mário Brum Teixeira

Post-Doc Researcher


Faculty of Science and Technology

University of the Azores

Rua da Mãe de Deus

9500-321 Ponta Delgada

São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal



Mário Brum Teixeira

Post-Doc Researcher

Mário Brum Teixeira is a Post-Doc Researcher with more than ten years of experience in the Biotechnology field specialized in microbiology. Extensive experience in the isolation, maintenance, and construction of bacteria collections from extreme environments like hot springs from the Azores. During the last years, isolate several bacteria that can be applied in the bioconversion wastes for energy production, value added products, or as biocontrol agents for horticulture pests or mosquitos. Vast experience in the characterization of bacteria with thermostable enzymes, antimicrobial or antitumor peptides. I am interested in creative/innovative projects relevant to the market and industry and in energy efficiency (anaerobic Biogas systems ehancement). My research interests goes along with the circular economy's goals inde the areas of White, Blue, and Red Biotechnology, Cowork, Crowdfunding, Bioinformatics, Metagenome Analysis, and promoting the transfer of scientific knowledge to the industry.

Currently under a Post-doc fellowship that aims the valorization of research results, obtained by the Center for Biotechnology of the Azores (CBA) throughout its existence. Through the enhancement of the results of research assets (RA), it is expected that regional participation in European consortia and projects is enhanced, as well as the transformation of existing knowledge into products, services and new economically viable forms of biotechnology, protected by copyright, researchers, companies and the autonomous region of the Azores.


Garriga, A., Monteiro, H. R., Beltrí, R., Frias, J., Peñalver, Á., Teixeira, M., Toubarro, D., & Simões, N. (2024). Assessment of Azorean native strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora for the biological control of Popillia japonica. Journal of Applied Entomology, 00, 1–6.

Articles in SCI Journals

Teixeira MB, Soares AO, Borges PAV, Calvet MT, Peñalver Á, Monteiro HR, Frias J, Simoes N (2023). Monitoring Arthropods in maize and pasture fields in São Miguel and São Jorge Islands: IPM-Popillia Project. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e109431.

Articles in SCI Journals

Frias J, Garriga A, Peñalver Á, Teixeira M,  Beltrí R,  Toubarro D, and  Simões N. 2023. "Exploring Gut Microbiome Variations between Popillia japonica Populations of Azores" Microorganisms 11, no. 8: 1972.


Articles in SCI Journals

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