

Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2025

    Luna S, Lopes MS, Dias E, Pereira D, da Câmar Machado, Mendonça D (2025). Identification of a chordovirus hosted by Angelica lignescens. J Plant Pathol.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Ávila M, Pinelo J, Casas E, Capinha C, Pabst R, Szczesniak I, Domingues E, Pinto C, Santos V, Gil A, Arbelo M (2024). Assessing the Presence of Pithomyces chartarum in Pastureland Using IoT Sensors and Remote Sensing: The Case Study of Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal). Sensors. 24(14):4485.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2024

    Teixeira M, Soares A, Lopes DH, Lamelas-Lopez L, Borges PAV, Mota J, Simões N (2024) Long-term monitoring data on Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) (Coleoptera, Rutelidae) across the Azorean Islands. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e138989.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Radovic L, Remer V, Rigler D, Bozlak E, Allen L, Brem G, Reissman M, Brockmann GA, Ropka-Molik K, Stefaniuk-Szmukier M, Kalinkova L, Kalashnikov VV, Zaitev AM, Raudsepp T, Castaneda C, von Butler-Wemken I, Patterson Rosa L, Brooks SA, Novoa-Bravo M, Kostaras N, Abdurasulov A, Antczak DF, Miller DC, Lopes MS, da Câmara Machado A, Lindgren G, Juras R, Cothran G, Wallner B. 2024. The global spread of Oriental Horses in the past 1,500 years through the lens of the Y chromosome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Dec 3;121(49):e2414408121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2414408121.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lima A, Arruda F, Frias J, Wortham T, Janeiro A, Rodrigues T, Baptista J, Lima E. 2024. Anticholinesterase and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Essential Oils of Sawdust and Resin-Rich Bark from Azorean Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae): In Vitro and In Silico Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(22):12328.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Tomkielska Z, Frias J, Simões N, de Bastos BP, Fidalgo J, Casas A, Almeida H, Toubarro D, 2024. Revealing the Bioactivities of Physalia physalis Venom Using Drosophila as a Model. Toxins. 16(11):491.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Boieiro M, Varga-Szilay Z, Costa R, Crespo L, Leite A, Oliveira R, Pozsgai G, Rego C, Calado H, Teixeira M, Lopes DH, Soares A, Borges PAV (2024) New findings of terrestrial arthropods from the Azorean Islands. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e136391.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Teixeira M, Soares A O, Lamelas-López L, Lopes D H, Mota J A, Borges P A V, Simões N (2024). Monitoring populations of Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) over 16 years in the Azorean Islands. Occurrence dataset

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Garriga A, Toubarro D, Morton A, Simões N, García-Del-Pino F (2024). Analysis of the immune transcriptome of the invasive pest spotted wing drosophila infected by Steinernema carpocapsae. Bull Entomol Res. 114(5):622-630. doi: 10.1017/S0007485324000543.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Maduro Dias C, Machado M, Nunes H, Borba A, Madruga J, Monjardino P. (2024) Nitrogen Fertilization Using Conventional and Slow-Release Fertilizers at Multiple Levels in Lolium multiflorum Lam. Pastures. Agronomy.; 14(10):2191.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Azevedo AR, Lopes MS, Borba A, da Câmara Machado A and Mendonça D (2024) Exploring the Catrina, an autochthonous cattle breed of the Azores, for a comparative analysis of methane emissions with Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Front. Anim. Sci. 5:1423940. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2024.1423940

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Garriga A, Monteiro HR, Beltrí R, Frias J, Peñalver Á, Teixeira M, Toubarro D, Simões N (2024). Assessment of Azorean native strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora for the biological control of Popillia japonica. Journal of Applied Entomology, 148, 977–982.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Teixeira R, Flor I, Nunes T, Pinto C, Pomba MC, de Carvalho LM (2024). Survey of Gastrointestinal Parasites and Lungworms in Cats and Dogs from Terceira and São Miguel Islands, Azores. Pathogens 13(8):648.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Garriga, A., Monteiro, H. R., Beltrí, R., Frias, J., Peñalver, Á., Teixeira, M., Toubarro, D., & Simões, N. (2024). Assessment of Azorean native strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora for the biological control of Popillia japonica. Journal of Applied Entomology, 00, 1–6.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Arruda F, Lima A, Wortham T, Janeiro A, Rodrigues T, Baptista J, Rosa JS, Lima E. 2024. Sequential Separation of Essential Oil Components during Hydrodistillation of Fresh Foliage from Azorean Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae): Effects on Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Free Radical Scavenging Activities. Plants 13(13):1729.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Beltrí R, Monteiro HR, Toubarro D, Simões N, Garriga A, 2024. Biocontrol potential of six Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains isolated in the Azores Archipelago. Journal of Helminthology 98:e43. doi:10.1017/S0022149X24000336

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lorente B, Cabral C, Frias J, Faria J, Toubarro D. 2024. Draft genome sequence of Agarivorans aestuarii strain ZMCS4, a putative CAZyme-producing bacteria isolated from the marine brown algae Cladostephus spongiosus. Microbiol Resour Announc 13:e01178-23.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lorente B, Cabral C, Frias J, Faria J, Toubarro D. (2024) Draft genome sequence of Agarivorans aestuarii strain ZMCS4, a putative CAZyme-producing bacteria isolated from the marine brown algae Cladostephus spongiosus. Microbiol Resour Announc 0:e01178-23.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Borges I, Oliveira L, Barbosa F, Figueiredo E, Franco JC,Durão A, Soares A (2024). Prey consumption and conversion efficiency in females of two feral populations of Macrolophus pygmaeus, a biocontrol agent of Tuta absoluta. Phytoparasitica 52, 31.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2023

    Tavares WR, Jiménez IA, Oliveira L, Kuhtinskaja M, Vaher M, Rosa JS, Seca AML, Bazzocchi IL, Barreto, MC (2023). Macaronesian Plants as Promising Biopesticides against the Crop Pest Ceratitis capitata. Plants 2023, 12, 4122.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Teixeira MB, Soares AO, Borges PAV, Calvet MT, Peñalver Á, Monteiro HR, Frias J, Simoes N (2023). Monitoring Arthropods in maize and pasture fields in São Miguel and São Jorge Islands: IPM-Popillia Project. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e109431.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira L, Sousa F, Silveira MG (2022). Adherence to the Mediterranean food pattern and sociodemographic factors in students of the 3rd cycle of basic education on Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal". Journal Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research 19(2):265-277.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Arruda F, Lima A, Wortham T, Janeiro A, Rodrigues T, Baptista J, Rosa JS, Lima E (2023). Sequential Separation of Essential Oil Components during Hydrodistillation of Azorean Cryptomeria japónica Foliage: Effects on Yield, Physical Properties, and Chemical Composition. Separations 2023, 10, 483.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Costa C, Costa F, Trota A, Borges PAV, Monjardino P, Pereira MJ (2023). Terra Nostra Garden 2023 dataset of Camellia species, hybrids and their cultivars (Azores, Portugal). Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e109193.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Frias J, Garriga A, Peñalver Á, Teixeira M,  Beltrí R,  Toubarro D, and  Simões N. 2023. "Exploring Gut Microbiome Variations between Popillia japonica Populations of Azores" Microorganisms 11, no. 8: 1972.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Toubarro D, Tomkielska Z, Silva L, Borges M, Simões N (2023). A Study of Nematocyst Discharge of Physalia physalis and Venom Composition. Biol. Life Sci. Forum, 24, 2.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Ferrante M, Lövei GL , Lavigne L, Vicente MC, Tarantino E, Lopes DH, Monjardino P, Borges PAV (2023). Flowering coriander (Coriandrum sativum) strips do not enhance ecosystem services in Azorean orchards. Insects, 14, 634.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Bozlak E, Radovic L, Remer V, Rigler D, Allen L, Brem G, Stalder G, Castaneda C, Cothran G, Raudsepp T, Okuda Y, Moe K K, Moe H H, Kounnavongsa B, Keonouchanh S, Van NH, Vu V H, Shah MK, Nishibori M, Kazymbet P, … Wallner B (2023). Refining the evolutionary tree of the horse Y chromosome. Scientific reports, 13(1), 8954.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Borges I, Oliveira L, Durão A, Arruda P & Soares AO.  (2023). Feeding preference and intraguild interactions between the parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus, two biological agents of Tuta absoluta. Pest Management Science, 79: 4376–4382.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Luna S, Lopes MS, Dias E, Pareira D, Monjardino P, da Câmara Machado A, Mendonça D (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting Azorina vidalii in Azores Islands. Plant Disease. Published Online:15 May 2023.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Ferrante M, Lövei GL, Nunes R, Monjardino P, Lamelas-López L, Möller D, Soares AO, Borges PAV (2023). Gains and losses in ecosystem services and disservices after converting native forest to agricultural land on an oceanic island. Basic and Applied Ecology 68: 1-12.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Fernandes R, Campos J, Serra M, Fidalgo J, Almeida H, Casas A, Toubarro D, Barros AIRNA (2023). Exploring the Benefits of Phycocyanin: From Spirulina Cultivation to Its Widespread Applications. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). Apr 14;16(4):592.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Mendes C, Dias E, Rochefort L (2023). Assessing the potential of restoration measures and management techniques in a post-pastured Azorean peatland: two years tendencies. Restor Ecol e13917.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Arruda F, Lima A, Oliveira L, Rodrigues T, Janeiro A, Rosa JS & Lima E (2023). Essential Oil Variability of Azorean Cryptomeria japonica Leaves under Different Distillation Methods, Part 2: Molluscicidal Activity and Brine Shrimp Lethality. Separations. 10, 241.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira L, Borges I, Silva D, Durão AC & Soares AO (2023). Abundance of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) and its natural enemies on tomato crops in greenhouses of different production modes (Azores, Portugal) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterologia, 51 (201): 59-70.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira L, Borges I, Silva D, Durão AC, Soares AO (2023). Abundance of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) and its natural enemies on tomato crops in greenhouses of different production modes (Azores, Portugal) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterologia, 51 (201): 59-70.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Dutra TM, Batista MG, Teixeira JCA, Todorova S, Oliveira L, Tavares J, Borges I, Soares AO (2023). Economic and financial model to the mass-rearing of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) (Heteroptera: Miridae), a biological control agent against the tomato moth Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in protected culture. Pest Management Science, 79: 3387-4113.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira L, Sousa F, Silveira MG (2023). Promotion of Functional Foods in a School Context: Evaluation of Food Education Sessions Involving Cooking Skills. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1080/15428052.2023.2191877


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lopes MS, Azevedo AR, Mendonça D, Rojer H, Cabral V, Ceraolo F, Canto Brum C, Mendes B, da Câmara Machado A (2023). Morphological and genetic characterization of the Graciosa donkey breed, Journal of Applied Animal Research, 51: 166-173,

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Serra M, Casas A, Toubarro D, Barros AN, Teixeira JA (2023). Microbial Hyaluronic Acid Production: A Review. Molecules. Feb 23;28(5):2084. doi: 10.3390/molecules28052084.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Dias E, Branco S.(2023). Experimental transport of Trichomanes speciosum spores on Azorean woodpigeon feathers as a possible explanation for interisland dispersal. Plant Species Biology, 38(3), 86–94.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Garriga A, Toubarro D, Simões N, Morton A, García-Del-Pino, F (2023). The modulation effect of the Steinernema carpocapsae - Xenorhabdus nematophila complex on immune-related genes in Drosophila suzukii larvae. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 196, 107870.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2022

    Borges I, Oliveira L, Durão AC, Arruda P , Figueiredo E, Franco JC, Lucas E, Soares AO, (2023). Contrasting phenotypic variability of life-history traits of two feral populations of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) under two alternative diets. Agronomy, 13, 118.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Abreu Ferreira S, Ferreira C, Ramalho M, Gonçalves M, Carolino N, Lopes MS (2022). Genetic diversity in a population of Lusitano stallions born over three decades. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 224-232.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Frias J, Toubarro D, Bjerga GEK, Puntervoll P, Vicente JB, Reis RL, Simões N (2022). A ShK-like Domain from Steinernema carpocapsae with Bioinsecticidal Potential. Toxins, 14(11), 754.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Teixeira M, Silva S, Domingos-Lopes M, Bessa R, Prates J, Rosa H, Silva C (2022). Production of low-cholesterol butter with Lacticaseibacillus paracasei immobilized in calcium-alginate beads. Food chemistry, 393, 133419. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133419

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Vieira V, Oliveira L, Soares AO, Borges PAV, Borges I, Tavares J (2022). Diversity of Lepidoptera (Insecta) recorded in a forest nursery of Nordeste County on São Miguel Island (Azores). Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e89971. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e89971

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira L, Vieira V, Soares AO, Borges I, Arruda P, Tavares J (2022). Abundance of Epiphyas postvittana (Walker, 1863) in forestry nurseries of São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 50, 425–433. DOI: 10.57065/shilap.56

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Jones K, Tafesh-Edwards G, Kenney E, Toubarro D, Simões N, Eleftherianos I (2022). Excreted secreted products from the parasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae manipulate the Drosophila melanogaster immune response. Scientific reports, 12(1), 14237. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18722-7

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Pereira D, Mendes C, Dias E (2022). The potential of peatlands in global climate change mitigation: a case study of Terceira and Flores Islands (Azores, Portugal) hydrologic services. SN Applied Sciences 4, 184. DOI: 10.1007/s42452-022-05066-0

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Ferrante M, Lamelas-López L, Nunes R, Monjardino P, Lopes DJH, Soares AO, Lövei G, Borges PAV (2022) A simultaneous assessment of multiple ecosystem services and disservices in vineyards and orchards on Terceira Island, Azores. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 330, 107909. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2022.107909

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Aguiar e Câmara SP, Maduro Dias C, Rocha L, Dapkevicius A; Rosa H; Borba AES, Silveira MG; Malcata FX, Dapkevicius M (2022). Assessment of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for improved manufacture of Pico cheese using a cheese model. International Dairy Journal 128: 105294.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Arruda F, Rosa JS, Rodrigues A, Oliveira L, Lima A, Barroso JG, Lima E (2022). Essential Oil Variability of Azorean Cryptomeria japonica Leaves under Different Distillation Methods, Part 1: Color, Yield and Chemical Composition Analysis. Appl. Sci. 12, 452. DOI: 10.3390/app12010452

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lima E, Medeiros J (2022). Marine Organisms as Alkaloid Biosynthesizers of Potential Anti-Alzheimer Agents. Mar Drugs,75. DOI: 10.3390/md20010075.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2021

    Lima A, Arruda F, Medeiros J, Baptista J, Madruga J, Lima E (2021). Variations in Essential Oil Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D. Don from Different Geographical Origins—A Critical Review. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(23):11097.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Mendes C, Dias E, Pereira D (2021). Description of a peatland complex in an agricultural landscape on Terceira Island (Azores): Criação do Filipe Case Study. Mires and Peat, 27, 29, 16pp. (Online:; doi: 10.19189/MaP.2020.OMB.StA.2008

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Borges LMS, Pfeifer B, Pandur S, Toubarro D, Tanase A-M, Chiciudean I, Menzel MN, Hoppert M, Daniel R, Simões N, Altermark B (2021). A picture is worth a thousand words: novel photographic evidence on the anatomy of the digestive system of three shipworm species (Bivalvia, Teredinidae). Zoomorphology 140, 469–485.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Botelho CM, Ferreira-Santos P, Toubarro D, Dinis H, Osório H, Costa-Barbosa A, Sampaio P, Simões N, Teixeira JA (2021). Chicken Feather Keratin Peptides for the Control of Keratinocyte Migration. Applied Sciences. 11(15):6779.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Pereira MJ, Eleutério T, Meirelles MG, Vasconcelos HC (2021). Hedychium gardnerianum Sheph. ex Ker Gawl. from its discovery to its invasive status: a review. Botanical Studies 62 (11). DOI: 10.1186/s40529-021-00318-5

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Borges P A V, Lamelas-López L, Nunes R, Monjardino P, Lopes D H, Soares A O, Ferrante M (2021). Monitoring Arthropods in Azorean Agroecosystems: the project AGRO-ECOSERVICES. Version 1.10. Universidade dos Açores. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2021-11-26.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Frias J, Toubarro D, Fraga A, Botelho C, Teixeira J, Pedrosa J, Simões N (2021). Purification and characterization of a thrombolytic enzyme produced by a new strain of Bacillus subtilis. J Microbiol Biotechnol 31(2):327-337. doi: 10.4014/jmb.2008.08010.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2020

    Eliáš S, Hurychová J, Toubarro D, Frias J, Kunc M, Dobeš P, Simões N, Hyršl P (2020). Bioactive Excreted/Secreted Products of Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Inhibit the Phenoloxidase Activity during the Infection. Insects. Jun 5;11(6):353. doi: 10.3390/insects11060353.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Rosa JS, Oliveira L, Sousa RMOF, Escobar CB, Fernandes-Ferreira M (2020). Bioactivity of some Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research. 110:406-416. doi:10.1017/S0007485319000774

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Melo CD, Walker C, Freitas H, da Câmara Machado A, Borges PAV (2020). Distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Terceira and São Miguel Islands (Azores). Biodivers Data J. 8:e49759. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e49759.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2019

    Drumonde Melo C, Walker C, Krüger C, Borges, PAV, Luna S, Mendonça D, Fonseca HMAC, da Câmara Machado A (2019). Environmental factors driving arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with endemic woody plant Picconia azorica on native forest of Azores. Annals of Microbiology 69: 1309-1327. DOI: 10.1007/s13213-019-01535-x.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Mendes C, Dias E, Ponte M, Mendes A. & Rochefort L. (2019). The distribution and naturalness of peatland on Terceira Island (Azores): instruments to define priority areas for conservation and restoration. Mires and Peat, 24(35), 1–16. doi: 10.19189/MaP.2018.OMB.371

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Pereira, MJ (2019). Fitodiversidade: Os jardins Açorianos e o seu legado botânico. Pp: 26-37, in: Albergaria, I. (Coord.) Plantas e Jardins: A paixão pela horticultura ornamental na ilha de São Miguel. Green Gardens Azores/Direção Regional da Cultura-Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada. Nova Gráfica, Lda. Ponta Delgada. ISBN: 1-55615-678-2.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2018

    Tavares J, Silva L, Oliveira L (2018). Modeling adult emergence and fecundity of factitious hosts under different food sources supports massive egg production management. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 108(2), 150-157. doi:10.1017/S000748531700061X

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Fontes, J., I. Sanchez Roja, J. Tavares & L. Oliveira (2018). Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Various Pesticides on Trichogramma achaeae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 111:  1219-1226. DOI: 10.1093/jee/toy064

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Eleutério T, Pereira MJ, Vasconcelos HC (2018). Effect of extraction method on physicochemical characteristics of kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) fibres. Mater Sci Nanotechnol. 2: 1-4. DOI: 10.35841/nanotechnology.2.1.1-4

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Drumonde Melo C, Luna S, Krüger C, Walker C, Mendonça D, Fonseca HMAC, Jaizme-Vega M, da Câmara Machado A (2018). Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under Picconia azorica in native forests of Azores. Symbiosis 74: 43-54. DOI: 10.1007/s13199-017-0487-2

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2017

    Tanneberger, F., Tegetmeyer, C., Busse, S., Barthelmes, A., Shumka, S., Moles Marié, A., Jenderdjian, K., Steiner, G.M., Essl, F. Etzol, J., Mendes, C., and 48 others (2017). The peatland map of Europe. Mires and Peat, 19(22), 1-17. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.264

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Schaefer RJ, Schubert M, Bailey E, Bannasch DL, Barrey E, Bar-Gal GK, Brem G, Brooks SA, Distl O, Fries R, Finno CJ, Gerber V, Haase B, Jagannathan V, Kalbfleisch T, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lopes MS, Mach N, da Câmara Machado A, MacLeod JN, McCay A, Metzger J, Penedo C, Polani S, Rieder S, Tammen I, Tetens J, Thaller G, Verini-Supplizi A, Wade CM, Wallner B, Orlando L, Mickelson JR, McCue ME (2017). Developing a 670k genotyping array to tag ~2M SNPs across 24 horse breeds. BMC Genomics 18, 565. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3943-8

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Pereira D, Dias E, Ponte M (2017). Investigating the internal structure of four Azorean Sphagnum bogs using ground-penetrating radar. Mires and Peats, 10(13), DOI: 1-19.10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.259

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Ana C. Conrado, Hugo Arruda, David W.G. Stanton, Samuel W. James, Peter Kille, George Brown, Elodie Silva, Lise Dupont, Shabnam Taheri, Andrew J. Morgan, Nelson Simões, Armindo Rodrigues, Rafael Montiel, Luis Cunha. 2017. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the pantropical earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Rhinodrilidae, Clitellata): Mitogenome characterization and phylogenetic positioning. ZooKeys 688: 1–13. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.688.13721

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira, L., A.C. Durão, J. Fontes, I.S. Roja & J. Tavares (2017). Potential of Trichogramma achaeae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in Biological Control of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Azorean Greenhouse Tomato Crops. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110: 2010–2015. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tox197

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Tavares, J., L. Silva & L. Oliveira (2017). Modelling adult emergence and fecundity of factitious hosts under different food sources supports massive egg production management. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 108: 150-157. DOI:10.1017/S000748531700061X

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Flores-Ponce M., Vallebueno-Estrada M., González-Orozco E., Ramos-Aboites H. E., García-Chávez J. N., Simões N., Montiel R. 2017. Signatures of co-evolutionary host-pathogen interactions in the genome of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae. BMC Evolutionary Biology. BMC Evol Biol. 17(1):108. doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-0935-x

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Sousa, RMOF, JS Rosa, AC Cunha, M Fernandes-Ferreira (2017). Molluscicidal activity of four Apiaceae essential oils against the freshwater snail Radix peregra. J Pest Sci 90: 971–984. doi: 10.1007/s10340-017-0842-3

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Drumonde Melo C, Luna S, Krüger C, Walker C, Mendonça D, Fonseca HMAC, Jaizme-Vega M, da Câmara Machado A (2017). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition associated with Juniperus brevifolia in native Azorean forest. Acta Oecologica 79: 48-61, DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2016.12.006

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2016

    Rougon-Cardoso A, Flores-Ponce M, Ramos-Aboites HE, Martinez-Guerrero CE, Hao Y-J, Cunha L, Rodríguez-Martinez JA, Ovando-Vázquez C, Abreu-Goodger C, Chavarria-Hernández N, Simões N, Montiel R (2016). The genome, transcriptome, and proteome of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae: evolutionary signatures of a pathogenic lifestyle. Sci Rep. 6: 37536. doi: 10.1038/srep37536

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Toubarro D, Gouveia A, Ribeiro RM, Simões N, da Costa G, Cordeiro C, Santos R (2016) Cloning, Characterization, and Expression Levels of the Nectin Gene from the Tube Feet of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus Lividus. Mar Biotechnol 18(3): 372-83. doi: 10.1007/s10126-016-9698-4.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2015

    Sousa, R.M.O.F., Rosa, J.S., Silva, C.A., Almeida, M.T. M., Novo M.T., Cunha, A.C. & Fernandes-Ferreira, M. (2015).Larvicidal, molluscicidal and nematicidal activities of essential oils and compounds from Foeniculum vulgare. Journal of Pest Science 88 (2): 413-426, DOI 10.1007/s10340-014-0628-9.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Bettencourt SX, Mendonça D, Monteiro L, Lopes MS, Rocha S, Monjardino P, and da Câmara Machado A (2015). Genetic diversity and population structure of the endemic Azorean juniper, Juniperus brevifolia (Seub.) Antoine, inferred from SSRs and ISSR markers. Biochemical and Systematics Ecology, 29:314-324. doi: 10.1016/j.bse.2015.02.003.


    Articles in SCI Journals

    Oliveira N, Medeiros S, Rosa JS, Seca AML, Barreto MC (2015). Drug-seeking behaviours for codeine-acetaminophen and tramadol-acetaminophen prescriptions: a pilot study. Integr Pharm Toxicol Genotoxicol 1: DOI: 10.15761/IPTG.100011

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lopes MS, Mendonça D, Rojer H, Cabral V, Bettencourt SX and da Câmara Machado A (2015). Morphological and genetic characterization of an emerging Azorean horse breed: the Terceira Pony. Frontiers in Genetics 6:62. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00062.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Mendonça D, Luna S, Bettencourt SX, Lopes MS, Monteiro L, Neves JD, Monjardino P, and da Câmara Machado A (2015). In vitro propagation of Picconia azorica (Tutin) Knobl. (Oleaceae) an Azorean endangered endemic plant species. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37:47. DOI:10.1007/s11738-015-1797-8.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Sousa, R.M.O.F., J.S. Rosa, L. Oliveira, A. Cunha & M. Fernandes-Ferreira (2015). Activities of Apiaceae essential oils and volatile compounds on hatchability, development, reproduction and nutrition of Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Industrial Crops and Products, 63: 226-237.

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2014

    Furtado R, Baptista J, Lima E, Paiva L, Barroso JG,  Rosa JS, Oliveira L (2014). Chemical composition and biological activities of Laurus essential oils from different Macaronesian Islands. 2014. Biochemical Systematic and Ecology, 55: 333-341. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2014.04.004

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Balasubramanian N, Simões N (2014). Bacillus pumilus S124A carboxymethyl cellulase; a thermo stable enzyme with a wide substrate spectrum utility. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 67: 132-139; doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.03.014

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Pereira MJ, Fagundo H, Menezes T, Couto J (2014). Investigating the propagation potential by seed and cuttings of the Azorean native Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. International Journal of Ecology,  ID 438189: 1 - 7. doi:10.1155/2014/438189

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Rocha S, Monjardino P, Mendonça D, da Câmara Machado A, Fernandes R, Sampaio P, Salema R (2014). Lignification of developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm transfer cells and starchy endosperm cells. Front. Plant Sci. 5:102. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00102

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Rocha S, Monjardino P, da Câmara Machado A, Fernandes R, Sampaio P, Salema R (2014). Lignification of the cell walls in developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm transfer cells and starchy endosperm cells. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, article 102. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2014.00102

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Lopes MS, Mendonça D, Bettencourt SX, Borba AR, Drumonde C, Baptista C, and da Câmara Machado A (2014). Genetic diversity of an Azorean endemic and endangered plant species inferred from ISSR markers. AoB Plants. 6: plus034. doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu034.

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Furtado R, Baptista J, Lima B, Paiva L, Barroso JG, Rosa JS, Oliveira L (2014). Chemical composition of Laurus essential oils from different Macaronesian Islands and their ovicidal and larvicidal activities against armyworm. Planta Medica, 80. 1456-1456. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1394798

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2013

    Metzger J, Philipp U, Lopes MS, da Câmara Machado A, Felicetti M, Silvestrelli M, Distl O (2013) Analysis of copy number variants by three detection algorithms and their association with body size in horses. BMC Genomics 14(1), 487. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-487

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Sousa R, Rosa J,Oliveira L, Cunha A, Fernandes-Ferreira M (2013). Apiaceae essential oils activities against armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61: 7661-7672. doi:10.1021/jf403096d

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Baptista C, Lopes MS, Tavares AC, Rojer H, Kappmeyer L, Mendonça D, da Câmara Machado A (2013) Diagnosis of Theileria equi infections in horses in the Azores using cELISA and nested PCR. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4, 242-245. DOI: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2012.11.008

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Monjardino P, Rocha S, Tavares AC, Fernandes R, Sampaio P, Salema R, da Câmara Machado A (2013). Development of flange and reticulate wall ingrowths in maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm transfer cells. Protoplasma 250:495–503. DOI 10.1007/s00709-012-0432-4

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Petersen JL, Mickelson JR, Cothran EG, Andersson L, Axelsson J, Bailey E, Bannasch D, Binns M, Borges A, Brama P, da Câmara Machado A, Distl O, Felicetti M, Fox-Clipsham L, Graves KT, Guérin G, Haase B, Hasegawa T, Hemmann K, Hill E, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lohi H, Lopes MS, McGivney BA, Mikko S, Orr N, Penedo MCT, Piercy R, Raekallio M,Rieder S, Røed K, Silvestrelli M, Swinburne J, Tozaki T, Vaudin M, Wade CM, McCue ME (2013) Genetic diversity in the modern horse illustrated from genome-wide SNP data. PLOS ONE 8(1), e54997. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054997

    Articles in SCI Journals

    Petersen JL, Mickelson JR, Rendahl AK, Valberg SJ, Andersson L, Axelsson J, Bailey E, Bannasch D, Binns M, Borges A, Brama P, da Câmara Machado A, Capomaccio S, Cappelli K, Cothran EG, Distl O, Fox-Clipsham L, Graves KT, Guérin G, Haase B, Hasegawa T, Hemmann K, Hill E, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lohi H, Lopes MS, McGivney BA, Mikko S, Orr N, Penedo MCT, Piercy R, Raekallio M, Rider S, Røed K, Swinburne J, Tozaki T, Vaudin M, Wade CM, McCue ME (2013) Genome-wide analysis reveals selection for important traits in domestic horse breeds. PLOS Genetics 9(1), e1003211. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003211

    Articles in SCI Journals

  • 2012

    Balasubramanian N, Toubarro D, Teixeira M, Simões N (2012). Purification and biochemical characterization of a novel thermo-stable carboxymethyl cellulase from Azorean isolate Bacillus mycoides S122C. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 168, 2191-2204.


    Articles in SCI Journals

Articles in non-SCI journals

  • 2024

    Teixeira, M.B., Soares, A.O., Lamelas-López, L., Lopes, D.H., Mota, J.A., Borges, P.A.V. & Simões, N. (2024). Monitoring populations of Popillia japonica (Newman, 1838) over 16 years in the Azorean Islands. Version 1.3. Universidade dos Açores. Occurrence dataset. DOI:

    Articles in non-SCI journals

  • 2023

    Teixeira MB, Soares AO, Calvet MT, Peñalver Á, Monteiro H, Frias J, Borges PAV, Simões N (2023): Monitoring ground arthropods in maize and pasture fields of São Miguel and São Jorge Islands: IPM-Popillia Project. v1.3. Universidade dos Açores. Dataset/Sampling event.DOI:

    Articles in non-SCI journals

  • 2022

    Maıwan N , Yıldız M, Salih S & Luna S. (2022). An Overview of Haploid and Double Haploid Production Methods in Wheat . Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(3), 344-350. DOI: 10.47115/bsagriculture.1100166

    Articles in non-SCI journals

  • 2017

    Sousa RG, Santos JM, Silva LM, Alexandre LA, Esteves T, Rocha S, Monjardino P, Marques de Sá J, Figueiredo F, Quelhas P 2017. Stacked Denoising Autoencoders and Transfer Learning for Immunogold Particles Detection and Recognition. arXiv:1712.02824

    Articles in non-SCI journals

  • 2014

    Pereira, M.J., Almeida, V., Fontes, A. & Tavares A. (2014). Propagation of the Azorean native Morella faya (Aiton) Wilbur. Silva lusitana, Número Especial: 49 – 62.

    Articles in non-SCI journals

Other Publications

  • 2024

    Anna Garriga, Hugo R.Monteiro, Rubén Beltrí, Duarte Toubarro & Nelson Simões. All strains are not the same: 42 international Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains exhibit differential virulence rates to Popillia japonica larvae. Oral Presentation at the 35th Symposium of the European Society of Nematologist, Cordoba, Spain, 15-19 April 2024.

    Other Publications

    Hugo R. Monteiro, Rubén Beltrí, Ángel Ros, Mário B.Teixeira, Jorge Frias, Nelson Simões & Anna Garriga. Virulence of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Azorean strains against Popillia japonica under laboratory and field conditions. Poster Presentation at the 35th Symposium of the European Society of Nematologist, Cordoba, Spain, 15-19 April 2024.

    Other Publications

    Rubén Beltrí, Anna Garriga, Hugo R. Monteiro, Duarte Toubarro & Nelson Simões. Isolation and characterization of new Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains from the azores archipelago. Poster Presentation at the 35th Symposium of the European Society of Nematologist, Cordoba, Spain, 15-19 April 2024.

    Other Publications

    Jorge Frias, Duarte Toubarro, Hugo Monteiro & Nelson Simões. Heterologous Expression of a Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein (CAP) from Entomopathogenic Nematode with Sterol-binding Activity.Poster Presentation at the 35th Symposium of the European Society of Nematologist, Cordoba, Spain, 15-19 April 2024.

    Other Publications

    Hugo Monteiro; Anna Garriga; Rubén Beltri; Angel Ros; Mário B. Teixeira; Jorge Frias; Nelson Simões. Infection variations of Azorean Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strains against Popillia japonica from laboratory to field experiences. Poster Presentation at the Meeting of the 100th Anniversary of the 1st EPN description, Logrono, Spain, 10-12 April 2024.

    Other Publications

  • 2018

    Tavares, J. (2018). Agricultura, Alimentação, Pragas e Inimigos Naturais, Conferência no âmbito do "Programa do Verão Jovem na Universidade dos Açores”, Ponta Delgada, 3 e 5 de julho de 2018. URL:

    Other Publications

    Tavares, J. (2018). Perspectivas para o controlo de pragas e doenças na Agricultura Açoriana, conferência integrada no “Programa Açores 2020-2025: Caso do futuro da agricultura”, uma organização da Direcção Regional do Desenvolvimento Rural e da Associação Agrícola da Ilha de São Miguel, que teve lugar nas seguintes localidades: Arrifes, Ponta Delgada, 17 de maio; Nº Senhora da Conceição, Ribeira Grande, 24 de maio; Santa Cruz, Lagoa, 14 de junho; São Pedro, Vila Franca do Campo, 20 de junho; Pedreira, Nordeste, 28 de junho; Povoação, 19 de julho.


    Other Publications

  • 2017

    Vasconcelos, H. C.; Meirelles; M. G; Pereira, M.J.; Amorim. R. & Eleutério, T. (2017). Materiais de Fibra! Um impulso em biocompósitos de conteira. UAciência. Açores magazine ,14 Maio 2017, pp: 28-29.

    Other Publications

    Tavares, J. (2017). "O mercado está saturado". Entrevistado por Joaquim Ferreira Leite, edição de Rita Castro Gonçalves. Audiência, 2017, Janeiro, 10: Ano 1, nº 15: 1, 4-6. URL:

    Other Publications

    Pereira, M.J. (2017) A flora da mata-jardim José do Canto. Revista de bordo da companhia aérea SATA.  My-Plan, nº 5, janeiro | fevereiro 2017: 36-37.

    Other Publications

  • 2016

    Tavares, J. (2016). "Biologia necessita de renovar quadros e adequar equipamentos às novas exigências". Entrevistado por Nuno Fontes Sousa. Correio dos Açores. 2016, Novembro, 25: Ano 97, nº 31.089: 6.



    Other Publications

    Vasconcelos, H. C.; Pereira, M.J.; Meirelles; M. G. e Amorim. R. (2016). Recursos endógenos – Fibra de Conteira. UMinho Newsletter Fibrenamics, nº 12 - OUT/NOV. newsletter/newsletter_n12/ fibrenamicsacores

    Other Publications

    Tavares, J. (2016). 40 Anos de História do Departamento de Biologia. Palestra proferida no âmbito das IV Jornadas da Biologia – Investigar Biologia, organizadas pelo Núcleo de Estudantes de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores, Complexo Científico, Anfiteatro 6, 20 de maio de 2016. URI:

    Other Publications

  • 2015

    Tavares, J. (2015). Os transgénicos estão por aí. Mesa Redonda “TransGÉNIOS ou TRANSgénicos?", Expolab, Centro de Ciência Viva: Lagoa, Açores, 19 de junho de 2015.


    Other Publications


  • 2023

    Dias E, Mendes C, Pereira D, Azevedo J (2023). Manual com os Princípios, Procedimentos e Técnicas de Gestão para a Conservação e Restauro de cada tipo de turfeira identificada. Projeto REACT-EU, Açores DRAAC.


    Dias E, Mendes C, Pereira D, Azevedo J (2023). Manual com os Princípios, Procedimentos e Técnicas de Gestão para a Conservação e Restauro de cada tipo de turfeira identificada (versão simplificada). Projeto REACT-EU, Açores DRAAC.


    Dias E, Mendes C, Pereira D, Azevedo J (2023). Guia metodológico para avaliação da variação da taxa de acumulação de carbono dos vários tipos de solos orgânicos incluindo turfeiras. Projeto REACT-EU, Açores DRAAC.


  • 2022

    Borges P, Lamelas-López L, Ferrante M, Monjardino P, Lopes D, Soares AO, Gil A, Nunes R, Gabriel R, Moura AA, Rigal F, Bacher S, L Lövei G (2022). Guia Prático da Fauna de Artrópodes Predadores dos Ecossistemas Agrícolas dos Açores. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal pp.95. ISBN 978-989-8870-40-7



  • 2018

    Trota A, Pereira MJ (2018). Natural History of the Azores.2nd revised and updated Edition. Nova Gráfica. Ponta Delgada. Pp. 170. ISBN: 00_ISBN 978_989_54137_0_6


  • 2015

    Trota, A. & Pereira, M.J. (2015). Natural History of the Azores.1st Edition. Nocamil. Coimbra. Pp. 139. ISBN: 00_ISBN 978_989_20_5622_7


Book Chapters

  • 2021

    Mendes C, Dias E, Aguiar C (2021). Vegetação dos Açores. In Campelo J & Aguiar C (Eds.), Vegetação de Portugal (pp. 155-179). Imprensa Nacional, Edições Lisboa Capital Verde Europeia, Botânica em Português 4.

    Book Chapters

    Pereira MJ (2021). The world of plants and the animals in the garden. In Albergaria, I (Coord.), António Borges Garden (pp. 57-128). Ponta Delgada: CMPD/Green Garden Project.

    Book Chapters

    Pereira MJ (2021). Catalog of the plants identified in 2020. In Albergaria, I (Coord.), António Borges Garden (pp. 212-221). Ponta Delgada: CMPD/Green Garden Project.

    Book Chapters

  • 2020

    Vasconcelos HC, Lopes AJ, Pereira MJ, Silva A (2020). Fluorescence Behavior of Phytoplankton Blooms by Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting (TCSPC). In: Grigoryeva N. (Ed.), Fluorescence Methods for Investigation of Living Cells and Microorganisms (pp. 662-761). IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.93292

    Book Chapters

  • 2017

    Mendes C, Dias E (2017). Azores. In: Mires and peatlands of Europe: Status, distribution, and nature conservation (ed. by Joosten, H., Tanneberger, F. & Moen, A.). Stuttgart: Schweizerbart Science Publishers. pp: 282-288. ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6

    Book Chapters

Technical Reports

  • 2016

    Oliveira, L. & J. Tavares (2016). "Parecer sobre o Estudo da avaliação de possíveis riscos ambientais após a introdução do parasitóide Torymus sinensis Kamijo para utilização na luta biológica clássica contra a vespa-das-galhas-do-castanheiro Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu na Ilha da Madeira", submetido à apreciação do I.F.C.N., da Madeira pela Secretaria Regional de Agricultura e Pescas. Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores, Universidade dos Açores, 23 de novembro de 2016, 11 pp. URL:

    Technical Reports

  • 2015

    Tavares, J., A.O. Soares, L. Silva, A. Fonseca, F. Melo, L. Oliveira & V. Vieira (2015). Parecer sobre o Projecto de Resolução Nº 96-X - Plano Estratégico de Combate às Pragas dos Açores (PECPA). Universidade dos Açores, Departamento de Biologia, 2 de fevereiro, 3pp. URL:

    Technical Reports

Articles in Proceedings

  • 2020

    Pereira D, Mendes C, Dias E (2020). The Importance of Land Cover Planning on Climatic Events: Evaluation of Peatlands’ Buffer Impact on Terceira and Flores Islands (Azores, Portugal). In: Fernandes F, Malheiro A, Chaminé H (eds) Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks: Meeting the Challenge. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34397-2_18

    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2018

    Eleutério, T.; Pinto, A.; Pereira, M.J.; Vasconcelos, H.C. (2017). Preliminary structural and thermal characterization of conteira’s (Hedychium gardnerianum) fibers for further functionalization with silica colloidal nanoparticles. Procedia Engineering, 200: 162-169. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.07.024

    Articles in Proceedings

    Eleutério, T.; Pereira, M.J.; Amorim, R.; Meireles, M. G.; Pinto, A. S.; Vasconcelos, H. C. (2018). The first step to solve environmental problems contributing to social and economic sustainability on an island. ISDRS Conference 2018 Book of Papers. 454-458.

    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2017

    Bettencourt SX, Pereira D, Mendes C, Mendonça D, Lopes MS, Machado A & Dias E (2017). CONNECT.GENE Project: a genetic landscape approach to sustain rare species connectivity, for small islands biodiversity. Biogeography and Syntaxonomy of the Atlantic Regions - Cape Verde 2017. X International Phytosociology Meeting, November 5 to 7, Praia city, Santiago island, Cape Verd.

    Articles in Proceedings

    Bettencourt SX, Pereira D., Mendes C, Mendonça D, Lopes MS, Machado A, Dias E (2017). CONNECT.GENE project: a genetic landscape approach to sustain rare species connectivity, for small islands biodiversity. IN: Neto C, Figueiredo A, Romerias M, Capelo J, Silva Vitória S, Bioret F, Lopes A, Semedo JM, Costa JC (eds.= (2017). Phytosociology, biogeography and syntaxonomy of the Eastern Atlantic Regions. Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, p.42


    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2016

    Pereira, M.J.; Martins, F.; Costa, T.; Lima, E. & Baptista, J. (2016).Vaccinium cylindraceum: Desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade dos frutos produzidos, em exemplares plantados numa faixa tampão na bacia hidrográfica das Furnas (Ilha de São Miguel, Açores). Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura, 26: 61-70.

    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2015

    Pereira, M.J.; Eleutério, T & Canhoto, J. (2015). The influence of cytokinin and auxin types and their concentration on the proliferation and rooting of Viburnum treleasei Gand seedling explants. Acta Horticulturae, 1083: 311-318.

    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2014

    Pereira, M.J. & Martín-Rucandio, I. (2014). New advances on germplasm selection and breeding by in vitro culture of the wild Azorean blueberry Vaccinium cylindraceum Sm. Pp: 96-102 in: Livro de Atas. II Congresso ACDA & VII Congresso de Gestão e Conservação da Natureza. Novos sonhos para uma realidade pós-crise, 27-29 de Junho de 2014. Angra do Heroísmo.

    Articles in Proceedings

    Pereira, M.J. (2014). Germplasm selection and breeding by in vitro culture of wild grown Azorean blueberry (Vaccinium cylindraceum Sm.) at São Miguel Island. Acta Horticulturae, 1017: 169-176.

    Articles in Proceedings

  • 2013

    Lopes MS, Cabral V, Mendonça D, Rocha S, Bettencourt SX, da Câmara Machado A (2013). Transcriptome profiling at different developmental stages for pony and horse embryous. In 10th Dorothy Russell Havemeyer International Equine Genome Mapping Workshop, July 10th-13th, 2013, Furnas, S. Miguel, Azores, Portugal

    Articles in Proceedings


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