Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João D'Avila
9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo
Terceira, Azores, Portugal
Email: paulo.fm.monjardino@uac.pt
Undergraduate studies in Agronomy by the University of Azores, Masters in Plant Production by the Technical Institute of Agronomy of University of Lisbon and PhD in Agronomy by the University of Minnesota.
Has developed research on agronomy, plant physiology, cell biology and biotechnology. Current interests are on transfer cells differentiation, genetic characterization of agronomic cultivars and endemic species. Has participated on works of pest and disease diagnosis, composting and soil fertility studies.
Also involved in technology transfer to the farm.
Has advised numerous students at undergraduate, masters and PhD levels.
Costa C, Costa F, Trota A, Borges PAV, Monjardino P, Pereira MJ (2023). Terra Nostra Garden 2023 dataset of Camellia species, hybrids and their cultivars (Azores, Portugal). Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e109193. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.11.e109193
Ferrante M, Lövei GL , Lavigne L, Vicente MC, Tarantino E, Lopes DH, Monjardino P, Borges PAV (2023). Flowering coriander (Coriandrum sativum) strips do not enhance ecosystem services in Azorean orchards. Insects, 14, 634. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14070634
Luna S, Lopes MS, Dias E, Pareira D, Monjardino P, da Câmara Machado A, Mendonça D (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting Azorina vidalii in Azores Islands. Plant Disease. Published Online:15 May 2023. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-23-0664-PDN